
Medieval total war 2 stainless steel
Medieval total war 2 stainless steel

  • Including a New Era (High Period) Event which affects unit & mercenary recruitment.
  • Events for Orders, Inquisitions, Cultur, Battles.
  • Many broken Character Traits and Ancillaries fixed.
  • New Patriarchats for Orthodox Factions available.
  • Much new Traits, Transferable Titles and Ancillaries (Blood, Broads, & Bastards v1.9 or 2.0).
  • Titles for all Cities and Castles and for both Islamic and Catholic/Orthodox factions and with important bonuses in various settlements.
  • Regions have more of mercenary special units.
  • medieval total war 2 stainless steel

  • New mercenaries for the Early and High Medieval Period:.
  • This was done without changing any unit costs.
  • Proper Mix of Infantry, Missiles, Cavalry and Artillery.
  • Some Small Map Tweaks: trees on isles, sligthly changed borders, new passage in Africa.
  • More Resources on campaign map, including new valuable resources in the "outbacks" of the map.
  • (Exeter, Bari, Oporto, Arta, Barcelona, Belgrade, Balearic Isles, Bryansk, Lyon, Athens, Munster, Ancona, Isle of Lesvos, Warsaw, Diyarbakir, Salzburg, Kirov, Melilla, Salamanca, Groningen, Clermont, Thebes, Mecca, Palmyra, Astrakhan, Tortosa, El-Oued, Sinop, Norrköping, Benghazi.).
  • 30 New Provinces, well spreaded and historically correct:.
  • New Unique Titles which represent the Templar Hirarchy.
  • Historical Characters and new Templar Knights Events.
  • All other units have specific Templar Knight Designs.
  • medieval total war 2 stainless steel

  • 7 totally Unique Units with new cool Descriptions.
  • New Faction: Order of the Knights Templar.
  • A large mod for MTW2 covering all of its parts.

    Medieval total war 2 stainless steel